Centre Needs

The successes of our work wouldn’t happen without the kindness and generosity of so many thoughtful people throughout the Guelph community.

A few of the most-used services offered at OWNG include: an emergency food cupboard, a city-wide clothing room, and a free donation room with household items for newcomers and those in need.

Unfortunately, we’re not able to accept large items onsite.

We’re also unable to accept car seats, stuffed animals, and linens for safety & hygiene reasons.

If you are able to help, please contact Shauna at shauna.owng@gmail.com, call us at 519-824-6892 or feel free to drop by and see us at 15 Willow, Unit K45! Thank-you!

The following is a list of items needed on an ongoing basis for the Onward Willow community.

  • Our biggest needs include non-perishable food items including peanut butter, canned vegetables, canned fruits, pasta sauce, pasta, cereal, individual pudding, individual applesauce, brown beans, & tuna.
  • Household items (plates, cutlery, cooking utensils, pots, pans, etc. & decor items including paintings, ceramics, & other trinkets & treasures)
  • Hygiene items (specifically: toothbrushes, toothpaste,deodorants, body washes, soaps,shampoo & conditioner)
  • Baby items: cream, baby shampoo, diapers & wipes